My name is Tara and I am so thankful you are here!
I hope that what you find in this space is an encouragement to your heart and an inspiration to you in whatever season of life you find yourself in.
I have been following Jesus since the age of 6, but my journey to discovering my true identity in Christ took many years and a lot of twists and turns. (You can read more about it by going to the page titled “My Story.”)
God created me to be a singer and a writer. Deep times of worship are where I feel the closest to the Lord and hear the clearest as He speaks to me through the Holy Spirit. I write with passion from a soul that Christ has truly set free. I am fueled by the truth of God’s Word and I find joy in illuminating that truth so that others can see and believe.
Are you looking for encouragement and inspiration? Are you ready to start using your gifts more purposefully? Are you looking for authentic community, connection, and championing women among your peers? Well, if so, you’ve come to the right place!

Tara is a writer, singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. Shortly after graduating from seminary in 2013, she started a blog called Vintage & Soul Co. It quickly became so much more as she created a platform around it for fellow aspiring women writers, and started writing beyond antiquing trips deeper into the heart of what it means to find your true identity in Christ. Tara currently resides with her husband Michael and their three children in Northern Virginia. Their days are mostly filled with walks to the bus stop, afternoon snacks, and spontaneous dance parties. She serves her local church through leading worship on Sundays and at special events, and is part of the women's bible study teaching team. In her spare time, she enjoys journaling in coffee shops, day trips around Virginia and DC, and anything that involves being on or in the water!
If you would like to get in touch with her or have any questions, you can find her on Instagram @tarabaronesanders or send an email to hello@tarabaronesanders.com.
Subscribe to her email list to receive encouragement and news about upcoming events, trainings, and the latest releases!