Day 1: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

The Sandia Mountains 

The Sandia Mountains 

The first day of vacation often includes lots of travel, especially if your escape is far away. I have a personal rule that you should always vacation far enough away that you can choose to stay in touch with the outside world, but work can't find you or get a hold of you.

What better place on earth for that than the desert?

Today, Michael and I embarked on our much anticipated trip to Santa Fe. Michael was especially excited because he was born and raised there. I was excited because I have never been, and this is a whole other side of Michael's life that I have yet to experience.

Our day went from taxi to Reagan, from Reagan to Dallas, from Dallas to speed train shuttle (to the other side of this enormous airport), then from Dallas to Albuquerque. From there we rented a car and drove to our final destination...Santa Fe! Nothing like experiencing every form of travel known to mankind. All that was missing was a boat!

Each day I plan to post 1 picture that really sums up the day's activities. As we prepared to descend in New Mexico, Michael said, "Look out for the mountains." So I opened the window shade and waited. When I saw them, I knew what he meant. The desert looked so flat all around. Then, out of nowhere, came the sight of these majestic gray mountains rising up amid the sand and mesas. These are the Sandia Mountains.


Day 2: The Landscape


Art and the Greater Good